Ever open up the toilet and discover someone else’s finished business? Pretty bad, huh?
Well, not as bad as finding this stuff.
1. Your wallet – But hey, at least you found it.
2. A shrunken Al Roker – It’s great that you’ve lost so much weight Al, but this is too far.
3. Africanized killer bees – whatever happened to those things, anyway?
4. A Chilean Miner – C’mon buddy. 59 days in a mine and now you get stuck in my toilet? (Too soon?)
5. A Little Debbie oatmeal creme pie – such a tragic waste of greatness. And truth be told, I might still eat it.
6. A power outlet – Actually, that would probably make for the coolest toilet ever. Scratch that off the list.
7. A Facebook LIKE button – Now they ARE officially everywhere.
8. A computer looping Rick Astley videos – RickRolled again? Oh well, at least you’ve got a target to pee on.
9. The Smoke Monster – I guess it finally got off the island.
10. Derek Jeter’s ability to hit in away games – Oh, that’s where that got to! (sorry, couldn’t help myself.)
11. A Double Rainbow – WHAT DOES THIS MEAN???
12. A secret passage that leads to the netherworld – Like C.S. Lewis’ wardrobe to Narnia, only poopier.
13. The Double Rainbow Guy – NO SERIOUSLY…WHAT DOES THIS MEAN!!!!
14. I Whip My Hair Back and Forth – It’s stuck in your toilet, and now it’s stuck in your head.
15. Another toilet – Toilets embedded inside of toilets? It’s like Inception for my bowels.
Plenty of directions to go with this one.