Monday Soup

1 part broth, 1 part noodles, and 2 shots of espresso…it’s Monday Soup!

+ I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: you are one day closer to your hard drive failing.

On Thursday afternoon the hard drive in my 13-month old MacBook Air bit the dust. Yes, I do have a backup plan in place (I use CrashPlan), but it was still so freaking frustrating. I wasn’t happy paying for the fix, but less than 48 hours later my Mac was back in my hands and in working condition. Now that my files have been restored all is right with the world. MAKE SURE YOU ARE BACKING UP YOUR DATA!!!

+ You may have seen hints of this on Facebook and Twitter recently, but I haven’t really said anything here on the blog about my latest project…until now!

Happy to announce that I’m working with a great new startup called CrowdScribed that is looking to really shake up the publishing industry. You’ll be hearing more about it from me (and others) in the coming weeks, so stay tuned…especially if you’re a writer.

Last week we gave away three $40 gift cards to Amazon (winners to be announced soon). Next week we’ll be giving away three $50 Amazon gift cards! If you want to win one, follow us on Twitter and LIKE our Facebook Page and you won’t miss the announcements.

+ Loved this post from Ben Arment on how to launch a successful idea in a world where JK Rowling can only sell a boatload of books when her writing is attached to her name. (This was my quick take on why she wrote a book under a pen name.)

+ Have you seen the trailer for Anchorman 2 yet?

+ SPORTS TALK!!! Can’t believe the Red Sox have won 60 of their first 100 games! So impressed by Mickelson’s 66 to win The Open yesterday! I played an average round of golf for me yesterday (shot 93…bravo to my buddy Than who shot a career-best 83), but I finished birdie-par so I want to play again every day for the rest of my life! Can’t wait for the NFL to be back in my life!

+ Headed to Dallas for the ECHO Conference later this week! If you’re gonna be there, let’s say hi to each other and make small talk and give each other piggyback rides around the venue.

Have a great week everyone…