It’s Friday, time for another edition of 5 Random Things…
Literally, the first 5 things at the top of my brain…
1. A few months ago I was interviewed by Trent Dyrsmid for his Bright Ideas Podcast. Trent is a great interviewer who has talked with a ton of smart folks. I totally felt like I didn’t belong on there, but I just told my story and hey, maybe someone will be inspired by it.
You can listen or watch the video of the interview over at his site: How To Start an Online Business: an interview with Bryan Allain.
2. We released the speaking schedule for Killer Tribes 2013 on Thursday. Gonna be so so good.
3. Gonna see an old friend tomorrow night at the David Crowder concert in Lancaster! Mr. Todd Bragg, former drummer of Caedmon’s Call and current drummer with Crowder, said he would put Erica and I on the guest list to come see the show. Excited to see his ugly mug.
4. I just bought this lapel mic for a new project I plan on starting next month. Be afraid, be very afraid!
5. We’ve been without TNT or ESPN for the past few months and guess what? We’ve survived! But man, with the NBA playoffs on the horizon and the start of the baseball season just a few weeks away, I’m starting to get antsy. Have considered adding them just for 3 months and then getting rid of them, but not sure that it’s worth it.
At the very least I’ll get the audio package again this year so I can listen to Sox games, and if I have to find NBA games streaming online, so be it.
PS…Day 8 with this sinus infection and I finally give up. Going to get some meds today so I’m healthy for Killer Tribes. You win, bacteria. You always do!
PPS… In honor of Albert Einstein’s birthday yesterday I thought I’d share this again. (I really should cut out the first 45 seconds. The second half of the video is so much better than the first half.)