At 7:45 this morning I celebrated another year with 3 of my fave people in the world.
We got long johns from Achenbachs (best donuts ever), the kids gave me cards, and Erica let the kids know that from now on they should call me “gramps.”
I know, I know, you want to get me something for my birthday but you don’t know what.
Pick up a copy of my book! Even if you’re not a blogger I can almost guarantee you’ll enjoy it. The writing about blogging is funny, and the stuff in between the writing about blogging is funny. It’s a $5 gift to yourself really.
What if you’ve already bought one? Buy another one and send it to a buddy!
What if you’ve already bought two? Leave a 5-star review on Amazon! (I’m so close to 100!)
What if you’re annoyed that I’m asking for favors on my birthday? Get over it! Then join the other 500+ folks who’ve already bought it and love it. Stop depriving yourself of laughter!
Thanks everyone, you shouldn’t have!
But I’m glad you did.