7 Things About The New Blog Look

1. Yes, I did the design myself. Some of you are impressed. The designers are shaking their heads and saying, “looks hackish.”

2. Yes, there are kinks to be worked out. The comment links don’t update when there are comments, for starters. I’ll get it eventually.

3. Yes, there are content changes planned too. More on this coming, but I’ll be giving you more humor and less blog advice here. *cue applause*

4. Yes, I know some of you like the old blog look better. Sorry, we’re not going back to Egypt on this one. Eat your manna and enjoy the cranberry red.

5. Yes, Our Shirts Don’t Suck is still a sponsor. You can thank them by checking out the great work they do. (and you can email me if you are interested in advertising here).

6. Yes, I spent so much time working on the redesign yesterday that this post is all you get today. Oh and I also migrated my blog to BlogRocketHosting yesterday too. My brain hurts.

7. Yes, I do want your opinions. So let me have them in the comments.

PS…If you’re reading this in a feed reader, click over and check it out.