If you’re a blogger or you’d like to be one someday, I don’t want you to miss this.
I’ve been blogging since 2002, and there’s nothing I love more than using the things I’ve learned over the years to help other bloggers overcome their frustrations and make progress towards their blogging goals.
That’s why I started BlogRocket last year. And that’s why I’m a part of Ben Arment’s 2011 Dream Year class. My goal is to turn BlogRocket into one of the best resources on the planet for bloggers of any level.
We’re just in the beginning stages of this now, but I do have 2 things to offer you until we get there.
Thing #1 – The 29 eBook ($9) – A 31-page digital download providing insight and inspiration for the Top 29 frustrations that bloggers face. You can download it for $9 here, or you can sign up for the free eBook (below) and get a discount code that knocks the price down to $5.
Here’s some feedback I’ve received from other bloggers about the 29 eBook:
“It was hands down some of the most practical, well thought out, put-your-money-where-your-mouth-is blogging advice I’ve received. Best $5 I’ve spent on learning the world of blogging and I’m inspired to start getting after it using your tips.” – Matt Molinari
“I loved it. I have a few of the pages printed out and thumbtacked to the wall in my office at church and in my office at home. I definitely think it’s worth the 10 bucks for anyone who’s at least a little bit serious about blogging.” – Joe Robinson
Thing #2 – Inspiration for The Top 9 Frustrations Bloggers Face (FREE) – this eBook is a free gift from me to you. All I ask for is your email so I can let you know about the relaunch of BlogRocket later this year. As I mentioned above, this eBook also contains a discount code to get the 29 eBook for $5.
If you’re struggling with knowing how much to promote your finding your blogging voice, asking for guest posting opportunities, narrowing the focus of your blog, being a funnier writer, or getting more traffic, this free eBook is for you. I’m so sure you’ll like it, that if you don’t I will punch myself in the face. Repeatedly.
So one last time,
Step 1. If you are a blogger or want to be a blogger, proceed to Step 2. If not, go to Step 6.
Step 2. Sign up for the free eBook below.
Step 3. If you like the free eBook, use the promo code inside it to get the Full 30-page eBook for $5.
Step 4. Start taking your blog where it’s never been before.
Step 5. Expect to hear from me later in the year when I blow your mind with the BlogRocket relaunch.
Step 6. Subscribe to the BryanAllain.com RSS Feed for blog tips and daily doses of humor and inspiration.
Step 7. Enjoy life.