7 Random Things

I’m on the road today, so here’s a handful of quick hitters.

I’m sure you’ll find something in here of interest to you. If not, you’re probably holding the phone wrong.

7 Random Things That are Random

1. Donald Miller’s charity, The Mentoring Project, is in the running to receive some grant money from Chase. It takes 60 seconds to place your vote on Facebook. Would you mind helping out? The Mentoring Project is trying to change our country by providing fatherless boys with strong male role models in their life. It’s an amazing cause and an easy way for you to help. Click here to vote.

2. It’s been light years since I’ve mentioned it, but I am still booking speaking gigs. If your church/mens/youth group is looking for a funny guy who can get semi-serious too, shoot me an email. My talks are approximately 24.8 minutes long and revolve around biblical truths that I apply to our lives as non-robots living in 2010. I do not wear a cape when I speak.

3. Speaking of semi-serious, I’ve got a bunch of faith-related thoughts percolating these days, so look for a little more of those in the near future. (if that’s okay).

4. I made a video for Tyler Stanton’s blog. If you don’t read Tyler’s blog, here it is.

5. LeBron James is going to play for the Miami Heat next year. I’ve never been so anxious to hear someone make a decision that was going to have so little effect on my life. Also, LeBron James’ beard was awesome. If you squinted it looked like a beard of bees. Now THAT would have been a great way to give an announcement.

6. A question for you writers and book lovers out there. If I were to sit down and interview some authors, what would you be most interested hearing about? Their writing process? Their experiences in the publishing industry? More about their personal lives? Let me know…

7. Finally, I walked into my living room last night to this:

If you’re keeping score at home, that’s 1 love seat, 1 couch, and 10 pillows.

Earlier in the day Erica did some shopping with her friend Ashley (who is a reader of this fine blog, I might add – Hey Ashley!), and they came up with this pillow idea. Now, keeping in mind that you can’t totally see how the colors work in the room, and you can’t really appreciate the fabric and textures of the pillows, what do you think? Does it look good or ridiculous? (just be nice about it either way or I’ll flick your nose)

So there you go, give me answers to #6 and #7 and have a great weekend!