Monday Visuals

Had a few pics laying around that were begging to go on the blog.

Feel free to create your own caption for any of these.

Picture No. 1

driving home from Massachusetts with the kids yesterday,

70 MPH getting on the NJ Turnpike when my tire goes FAIL.

changing a flat when it’s 90 degrees on a dangerous road: not fun.

Thankfully, it all worked out.

Picture No. 2

Hung out in NYC a few weeks ago with friends.

Ate lunch at Katz’s Deli, home of the famous Meg Ryan fake O scene in When Harry Met Sally.

The pastrami was great, but not THAT great.

Picture No. 3

Location: Central Park

Puzzled Onlookers: Too Many

What’s going on here: I’ll let you try to figure that out.

Picture No. 4

Location: The southbound 4-5-6 line in Manhattan.

Puzzled Onlookers: A handful

How long I held this pose: Longer than I should have.

Demon I appear to be possessed by: didn’t catch his name.

What’s going on here: I am an idiot.

Picture No. 5

and this remnant from Tyler and Amy’s visit a couple months ago…

(there’s at least 1 VERY obvious joke here, but I’ll ask anyway)

caption please?