Chain Links for 11May09

Here’s a few things that caught my attention on the world wide spider web this week:

[+] I’ve been enjoying the blogs of Catalyst West emcees Tyler Stanton and Tripp Crosby. These guys put together some hilarious videos for the Catalyst Conference that you can check out on their blogs. I loved this post from Tyler this week about holding the door open for someone who is too far away. As I said in the comments to his post, my pet peeve is when people thank you twice for holding both doors in back-to-back door situations.

[+] Speaking of Catalyst, was very surprised to read that Ben Arment is leaving the organization to start his own production company. Here’s a guy who has a good job doing amazing things, but he’s not settling for anything less than his dream. Pretty insipring.

[+] Speaking of inspiring, Donald Miller posted an interesting Q&A on his blog from an interview last week. In it he discusses the Blue Like Jazz movie, how he disciplines himself to write, and what he’ll be doing for President Obama next year.

[+] Speaking of people Jon Acuff wants blurbs from on his book, Jon Acuff shared some great thoughts at Stuff Christians Like about being famous and being known by God. SCL #537, Forgetting That You are Famous. Rumor has it I could be guest-posting again this month…I’ll let you know if/when it goes live.

[+] Speaking of ridiculous,  I pulled a Captain Morgan at Sheetz last night. A few minutes later I was laying on the floor playing air guitar just to make my wife and kids laugh. All 32-year olds do this stuff, right?