About a month ago I had the idea to start a blog up with a funny fellow named Chad Gibbs. I met Chad in Alabama last October through the Don Miller connection. Chad has written a handful of pieces for the Burnside Writer’s Collective, and when i was down in Birmingham to hear Don speak Chad and i got to meet for a bit before the show. Since then Chad and i have kept in touch somewhat regularly, mostly chatting about writing, golf, and how i don’t care a whole lot about college football.
So anyway, Chad’s an extremely talented writer of humorous things, and I thought a joint blog venture would be a good idea. He agreed (well, he didn’t say no at least) and so I told him I would get it going. Fast forward a month to this week (i still hadn’t started up our blog) when i see that the Burnside Writers have started up a blog and that Chad is writing for that one as well. I was crushed and heartbroken, but he assured me that like Bill Paxson in “Big Love”, he could split his time fairly between more than one entity.
I quickly built the blog and emailed Jordan over at Burnside to tell him about it (which i had titled “Chad and Bryan Save the World”) and to ask him to link to us, and he said “just join up with us”. and so i did. I’m easy that way.
All that to say that you should add the Burnside Writers’ Blog to your feed reader or bookmarks because not only will I be posting there from time to time, but also you’ll get some insightful and amusing commentary from the likes of Chad Gibbs, Jordan Green, Susan Isaacs, Aaron Donley, Penny Carothers, Ariele Gentiles, and some guy named Robert who (i think) writes music reviews for Relevant and HM.
Should be a good time. Here’s my first post.