the mountain wins again

THURSDAY – the work golf outing was fun. I didnt play very well, but i was teamed up with some great guys, including the General Manager of our entire facility. That was cool. He’s a nice guy and we got to chat…alot. i say ‘alot’ because the round took 7 hours! that’s what happens when you are playing a scramble and they don’t let carts on the course because of soggy conditions. yikes. we finished +5, not very good. but we had fun.

FRIDAY – The drive to MA went well. Minimal traffic in CT. Someone please tell Connecticut that Interstate 95 is a major road and should be wider than 2 lanes. what were they thinking? i have no idea. Friday night we chillaxed. I ate an entire bowl of parmesan cheese-covered popcorn and watched the Red Sox.

SATURDAY – one of my good friends growing up got married on saturday. The wedding was in New Bedford, and since Portugal had just won their World Cup Match against England, and since New Bedford is home to 79 billion portuguese people, there was much rejoicing and car honking during the ceremony. At the reception i enjoyed catching up with alot of old friends. Even though we didnt get served our meals until 8:30pm, it was great. I’ll have to use the CROME Wedding Rating System to give it a grade at some point. Here’s a spiffy pic of some old friends: seth, josh (my bro), Matt (the groom), than, myself, and luke.
seth, josh, matt, than, bry, luke

a few more wedding pics on my Flickr

SUNDAY – More chillaxing. I picked up a new green Sox hat at the mall. We had a wedding reception in the evening for a cousin who got married recently in Michigan. The food there was really good and it was good to see some fam i hadn’t seen in a long time. Later that night i spent almost 2 hours talking web design stuff with my future brother-in-law (?) Eric. He is pretty knowledgable and i picked his brain as best as i could. It was pretty exciting for me, and my mind was racing as i tried to go to sleep at night. Here’s a pic of the 3 allain boys and dad on our way to the reception.

bryan, dad, jordan, and josh

MONDAY – back in march, i made these comments about my strained relationship with nature. Back then i hoped to climb Mt. Monadnock with Erica this summer. On Monday, we made it happen. Joined by good friends Than (short for naTHANael) and Kandace (i call them Thandace), we drove the 2.5 hours to New Hampshire from my parents’ place and started our ascent around 11:30am. it was a lot harder than we all expected, and we had to stop a few times due to shortness of breath, lightheadedness, and whatnot. We made it up to the summit in about 2 hours, had lunch, and then zoomed down in about an hour. It was an exhausting day, but a great one. Very fun and rewarding to know you had just climbed to 3165 feet and back down. I’m guessing we’ll do that again.

than, kan, erica, and bry

more Monadnock pics here

TUESDAY – our trip back was very fast. Not many road trippers on July 4th. we made it home after a 5.5 hour ride, got the house cleaned, and now we are back to the grind.

In other news…Pastor Jake is here for 2 days, so it will be good to see him…Erica leaves for Guatemala on Monday, which i am not really looking forward to, but oh well…my deck is finished, pictures on the way.