More Living With The Amish

Time for another brief installment of Living With The Amish.

On Saturday I brought Parker to a birthday party, stopped at the grocery store, and then drove home. I took all of these pictures in that 1-hour window. That’s all it takes to get great material in these parts…

Here’s a typical scene at a Lancaster County intersection.

Two cars and a dude in a sleigh being pulled by a horse.

This image is distorted because my car was moving too fast for my iPhone.

And also because there’s 4 young boys dressed in all black with bowl haircuts.

To the Amish a parking lot is a den of iniquity.

Run, boys, run!

Beware of people working the earth with farm equipment.

Also, beware of horrific spelling.

Why are roads flat?

The Amish, that’s why.

This has been another brief installment of Living With The Amish.