New LOST Tonight! Episode 5.04 titled “The Little Prince”. As we get prepared, I thought it would be good to throw out a few more questions regarding last week…so here’s some random thoughts rolling around in my brain. Some are original and some I’ve pulled from the web…
if you’ve got answers or theories (but no spoilers!), let us have em…
+ Juliet’s actions in last week’s episode have caused some to wonder, “Should we trust Juliet?”. She didn’t do anything super sneaky, but I too wondered why she cut off Locke when he was about to explain to Sawyer that it was Ethan who shot him in the leg. Seemed like an important story to tell, and Juliet just cut him off. Maybe it was to keep the story moving and had nothing to do with Juliet, but I’m starting to wonder…
+ Here’s a pretty crazy theory I read. Don’t know if it makes sense logistically, but it was something I never thought about. Flight 815 departed on 9/22/04 and crashed mid-flight. I’ve always assumed that it crashed on the Island on 9/22/04. But remember what (we think) brought the plane down in the first place. It was from Desmond not pushing the button in time, resulting in abnormal electro-magnetic activity (or something). Now, i realize there was no white/purple flash at that moment…but what if the same thing that brought the plane down also moved the island in time. What if they actually crashed in another year? Like say, in 2007. And now Ben is trying to return everyone to the island in “actual” 2007, the same time they crashed in “island time”. There’s no way that just made any sense…but it leads me to another thought…
+ Remember when Desmond turned the failsafe key and we had a purple flash moment at the end of Season 2. None of us knew what turning the key did. I guess we still don’t…but what if the failsafe moved the island in time? All we knew about the failsafe is that Desmond woke up naked in the 3rd Episode of Season 3 and suddenly was predicting future events. It seems that him triggering the failsafe might have been the cause for why is he is “special” in terms of time travel? There are holes in this theory though. If the island did move in time, why didnt the LOSTies on the beach or the ones being held at gunpoint on the dock with Ben and the others notice that they were in a different time? If their surroundings remained relatively unchanged, could it be that they only moved forward or backward a day..but Desmond didn’t? I don’t know…but I think the implications of Desmond turning the fail safe havent been fully realized yet.
+ As for Theresa, the woman in the coma-like state that Desmond visited, still not sure where she fits in. But we have heard the name Theresa before. Remember Boone’s Nanny? Boone used to torment her by calling her up the stairs all the time and one day she fell and Boone felt responsible for her death. Check out this freaky clip from Season 1 (“Dues Ex Machina”) where Locke is having a dream (well, at the time we thought it was a dream, maybe it was part dream/part memory):
+ Finally, I’ve read some interesting speculation that the final scenes from two weeks ago, when Ben Linus and Eloise Hawkings were in that church-looking building, that they weren’t actually in Oxford. That they were on the island in a hatch we’ve never seen before. Folks have commented that the door to the room looked like a Hatch door. But maybe the biggest clue was what Ben said to Mrs. Hawking when she told him he had 70 hours left. (I didn’t rewatch this to confirm it, but apparently) He said “That’s not enough time for me to convince them all to come back!”. Hmm. “Come back” instead of “Go Back”? Is that a clue…or trivial semantics? We shall see…
Just 31 episodes of the series are left, we should get some more answers tonight! enjoy!