My Atlanta Transportation Script

Sometimes being a writer means working on projects that are extremely personal to you. Your blog, your next book, your diary that you keep hidden in a secret compartment behind your night stand with a combination lock that opens up with the code 42-8-23.

And sometimes you get a chance to work on projects that don’t mean anything to you at all.

This one fell right in the middle for me. I don’t live in metro Atlanta, so I won’t be voting on this referendum this summer. But I do sit in traffic every day, so I know exactly what Atlanta’s commuters feel like. Being able to write from a place of personal experience definitely helped me deliver a script I was happy with.

P.S. – Big props to the dude who animated it. He knocked it out of the park and made the finished product something I’m pretty proud of. Great job seeing this project through by Green Tricycle Studios.