Fake or Real?

For the past 8 years my wife Erica has openly pined to have a real Christmas tree in the house.

For the past 8 years I have cruelly refused, saving us money, time, and clean up by using our perfectly acceptable fake tree.

But this year the kids and I surprised her with a real tree, a Frazier Fir in fact. And even though it took her a few minutes to notice it (proving my point that the fake tree is awesome), whe she did she was elated and I earned the major brownie points I was hoping for.

We decorated the tree on Tuesday night (see pic) and I suppose it looks and smells pretty great. Just talk to me on January 4th when I’m carting the thing out of the house as it drops its dead needles and gooey sap deep into the fibers of our living room carpet.

What about you?

Real tree? Fake tree? No tree?

How do you roll with the ole tannenbaum?