Last year Tyler Stanton and I went head to head in an NFL Picks league and Team Allain thoroughly dominated.
This year we’re making a few tweaks to the format. Joining us as captains this year will be Knox McCoy and Tyler Tarver. The four of us will each choose nine other people to join our teams, to round the league out at 40 players.
Like last year, each week we’ll all pick a winner for every NFL game using the point spread. A team’s point total for the week will be made up of the Team Captain’s score plus the 4 highest scoring people on his team. You’re allowed to assign double points to the 1 game you have the most confidence in, and you also get an extra point if you pick the most correct and are the weekly winner.
We haven’t settled on the stakes yet, but the losing captain will have to do something embarrassing. I don’t want to be that guy, so I’m looking for 9 people I can count on to make their picks every week without forgetting. Bonus points if you actually know the NFL.
If you want to be on Team Allain, email me at bryanallain(at) with “NFL Picks” in the subject. I’ll email you back in the next few days if you’ve been chosen.
While we’re here, have you seen this graphic from last year? It’s a great visual on why we all love the NFL. Everyone can beat anyone, and last year that kind of happened. (The Steelers beat the Falcons who beat the Bucs who beat the Browns and so on).
And hey, since you’ve got all 32 teams in front of you right now, how about a Super Bowl prediction?
I’ll go first in the comments.