1 Part Broth, 1 Part Noodles, and whatever else is floating around in my head.
Monday Soup
+ My friend Sarah Mae sold 11,000 copies of her eBook 31 Days to Clean in less than 3 months. How’d she do it? Well, she wrote about the entire process in her new eBook, How To Market and Sell Your eBook.
You better believe I was all over that second one as soon as I could get my hands on a copy. And yes, it’s a quick/practical/inspiring read (get it for Kindle here). And yes, I will be publishing at least 1 eBook by the end of the year. Highly recommended.
+ So many reasons I love Twitter, mostly because I can share gems like this:
Yes, that really did happen. And if you’re curious as to which two games he was trying to buy, in hindsight I think he was actually trying to buy movies for a PSP. One of them was Office Space, and I didn’t catch the other one. (My Twitter Feed)
+ Our friends the Geesamans were in town with us last week and we had a great time hanging out. Katy takes amazing photographs, so if you’re looking for a photographer for an event check out her site: Lil Geese Photography.
My favorite picture of all the ones she took last week involved me in an “I rule this world” pose and an amish buggy. More to come with that one…
+ Heading down to Baltimore next week to catch the Red Sox against the Orioles. The potential downside of the bench-clearing brawl they had last week? Big Papi could be suspended, which would be a big bummer for Parker. The upside? There could be another brawl. Never seen one of those in person.
+ How long did it take you to turn off email notifications for new Google+ followers? I did it this morning. Seems like Google is trying really hard to differentiate itself from Facebook with the Circles idea. I’m just not sure that it’s going to work.
People are so used to having 1 filter on Facebook (“should I share this or not?”), that they need to re-learn this idea of “Which circle should I share this with?”. That picture of you partying in your underwear…you would never post that on Facebook. But with Google+ you can share that with your “friends” circle and not your “family” circle. I think that’s the idea. Not sure if it will catch on or not, but will be interesting to watch. And despite the fact that Google Buzz and Wave flopped, I’d still never bet against them.
+ A few folks have asked if I’ve kept off the 12 lbs I lost in “Make Your Goal May”. I have, actually! Still using Tim Ferriss’s 4-Hour Body fat loss principles. Eating low-carb, high-protein meals 6 days a week and enjoying 1 no-rules cheat day every Saturday. So far, so great.