In the next couple of weeks I’ll be unveiling a new look for this blog that will probably be more than skin deep.
In trying to be a little more intentional with my web presence and overall brand, I’m thinking hard about what should and shouldn’t be a part of my blog. (I realize how pretentious I sound saying that, but trust me, I am making faces at my computer like a 4th grader teasing the girl he likes while I type this to balance the fact that I just referred to my “brand”.)
So really, the purpose of this quick blog post is two-fold.
1) To let you know that changes are coming.
2) To give you, the reader, a voice in the process.
If there’s something I do here that you would really miss if I stopped doing it, I would love to hear about it. Maybe it’s one of the humor series I do, maybe it’s blogging tips, maybe it’s not a specific post, but just a general theme you’d like me to blog about more (or less).
More humor! More Blogging Tips! Less Goofy Stuff! More Videos! Less Videos! More soy sauce! Less Tyler Stanton! Don’t Change Anything! Change EVERYTHING! You get the idea…
I promise this isn’t a “hey, tell me what you love about my blog so I can feel better about myself” post. I’ve done those before and they never give you the clear feedback you want.
I’m just trying to make some decisions about content and I’d love for those of you who have an opinion on what I do here to share it with me. Even if it’s just a couple of you, that’s fine.
So yeah, leave me a comment if you like. I promise to read and consider them all.
PS…I am still making faces at my computer.