Help Alexis & Taylor for World Give Day

You guys know I rarely do this on my blog, but because tomorrow is World Give Day I’m asking you all to hear the story of some dear friends of ours, Jon and Lauren Giunta.

Here’s their story in Lauren’s own words, please take 3 minutes to read it:


We have 3 beautiful girls. Our oldest, Julianna, is our beautiful, healthy 5 year old. Alexis Grace, our second baby, was born June 7, 2007. Allie was born with a very rare genetic disorder called ML-II or I-Cell disease. In 2008, we were surprised by another pregnancy. We found out we were pregnant with another girl. We named her Taylor Faith. She was born June 4, 2009. Taylor Faith was also born with I-cell disease.

I-Cell disease is an extremely rare terminal genetic disorder. Children with I-cell disease can not break down storage material that builds up in their cells and because of that, they have build-up of this material on their bones, their hearts, their respiratory system…etc. The doctors only gave Allie and Taylor up to 10 years at the most to live. However, we know that God has the final say. We know that He is the creator of everything and we are still believing God for miracles for my beautiful girls.

We have health insurance, but it doesn’t cover everything. We also have items that the girls need such as a wheel chair ramp for the van and a ramp for the house that are not covered by insurance. The financial burden of all this is beginning to weigh down on us. So it’s with humility and hope that we turn to our family, friends and loved ones for support.

We very much appreciate your support, love and prayers! Thank you.


We’ve known Jon and Lauren for over 10 years now, and it’s been amazing to see them continue to serve at church, walk in faith, and smile so much despite the circumstances they’ve been given. I can’t imagine how difficult things have been for them over these last 4 years, and I’d love it if you would consider helping them out.

They’ve raised over $5000, 25% of their goal, but they still need a little help.

If you feel moved to give, even just a little, here’s the link: Donate to help Alexis & Taylor Giunta

Thanks so much for considering, everyone. Anything you give would mean so much to their family.

UPDATE, 9:15am: I just saw on Lauren’s facebook page that Allie woke up with a 102.7 fever this morning which could be very serious, so please lift them up in prayer if you have a second.