5 Classic BryanAllain.com Videos

We’re 2 days in to the 30:30:30 project and so far we’ve raised $2,239 for wells in the Central African Republic! After you read this post, would you consider giving?

We’re taking Labor Day off here on the blog, so I thought I’d throw up a post today worthy of a 3-day weekend.

Here’s a few videos I did a couple years back. For my new readers, they’ll be completely new. For my old readers, they will be bits of nostalgia that take you back to a simpler time when men were men and when I definitely acted like a girl when I tried to drink vinegar.

Whether you’ve seen these before or this is your first time, hope you enjoy.

Video #1 – in which I am sick and fail miserably to try and drink vinegar. (Fall 2008)

Video #2 – in which I try to be sneaky and fail miserably when my kids catch me. (Winter 2008)

Video #3 – in which I try a Video Mad Lib experiment and fail miserably at being interesting…or is this video funny…I’m still not sure (Early 2009)

Video #4 – in which my cute kids model different uses for my BryanAllain.com blog yearbook. (February 2010)

Video #5 – in which I answer 13 reader questions. I only post this video for those of you who have absolutely nothing to do right now. An 8-minute internet video is basically War and Peace. (January 2010)

P.S. Like I said before, no new post on Monday. But I’ll be back on Tuesday with Episode #2 of The FreshPod.

P.P.S. Would love for you to donate to Charity: water. Gifts can be given anonymously, or you can leave your name so we know you gave. And when you do give, you can put “bryanallain.com” in the comment field so we know you’re a part of this community. Here’s the link to make your donation.