I'm Right Here. And I Always Will Be.

This post is for 5 specific people.

1. Anyone who has a DVR and hasn’t watched an actual commercial since 2006.

2. My friend Shawn who is not watching TV for the entire year, and blogging about it here: ShawnSmucker.blogspot.com

(Shawn’s a good guy and a great writer who’s ghost-written a couple books already in his young writing career. You should absolutely check out his blog.)

3. Tripp Crosby, who loves commercials and is also a good video editor. Perhaps he can explain the vocal changes.

4. Anyone who reads the Daily Beast on Sunday because it should have my first ever assigned writing story. Here’s the Link.

5. Anyone who didn’t fit into #1-#4. Because this commercial is too amazing for anyone to miss. Seriously, every time it comes on Erica and I watch it 2 or 3 times and laugh until we cry.

What are the chances this guy brutally kills this woman before dawn? 99% or 100%?


PS…Leave your Super Bowl Picks in the comments, including final scores. Closest guess will win a prize from the incredibly lame BryanAllain.com prize stash.