Over at his blog, Brian McLaren wrote about 2 new publishing projects on his horizon. One of them is tentatively titled “A New Kind of Christianity: 10 Questions that are Transforming the Faith”.
What are the 10 questions?
Glad you asked…
- What is the shape of the biblical narrative?
- What is the Bible and what is it for?
- Why does God seem so genocidal in some biblical passages?
- What does it mean to say Jesus is the way?
- What is the gospel?
- What future does the church have?
- Why are Christians so preoccupied with sexuality?
- How should we relate to people of other religions?
- How should we view the future?
- Where do we go from here?
What do you think? Do we need a new Christianity? Do you think Brian nailed it with these 10 questions? Which ones do you agree with / disagree with as being pivotal to the Christian faith?
Oh and in case you were wondering, here’s what I believe were probably questions 11-20, which barely missed the cut:
- 11. Bread or Crackers, Wine or Juice – What makes the perfect communion menu?
- 12. Should pastors be allowed to say “pissed off” from the pulpit?
- 13. Can I dislike Chris Tomlin’s music and still be a Christian?
- 14. “First Peter” or “One Peter” – What’s the holiest way to say it?
- 15. Will God recognize altar calls via texting as legitimate?
- 16. Will the church reimburse new converts for altar call texts?
- 17. Have malicious church server crashes replaced old school vandalization?
- 18. Will a church be accountable before God for the coffee they serve in the cafe?
- 19. Do messages from pastors wearing un-tucked shirts resonate deeper with their audience?
- 20. Facebook – divine code or curse from the devil?