I'm Back! But Who Am I?

Good to be back in the saddle again. Literally. My wife got me a new office chair for Christmas that is made from a real horse saddle. I’m also wearing spurs on my dress shoes today. I’m packing a dip in my lower lip and retrieving papers I print to the printer with a lasso. And I styled my hair to look like tumbleweed.

2009 is here…yeehaw!

The big difference between my first post of last year and the first post of this year is that there’s actually people reading my blog this year! That’s you guys (and gals). Thanks again for stopping by so often. This is going to be a great year for the blog.  I’m not sure how I know that, I just do. I feel it in my chaps, I guess.

Not all of you know that much about me, so I thought I’d start off the year with a few get-to-know-me statements.

My name is Bryan Allain. My middle name is Richard, after my dad. My initials are BRA, which was funny in junior high school, but not so funny in grade school. I am 32 years old. I was born in Massachusetts. I’m the oldest of 5 kids. I used to have a flat top with a rat tail that I braided and put beads on. I had my left ear pierced when I turned 16, and wore an earring until my freshman year of college. I can still wear an earring in that ear. I think “buses” should be spelled “busses”. I had braces on my top teeth for 2 years. I have a degree in Chemical Engineering. I copied a lot of homework off my roommates in college. I met my wife at a music festival among 70,000 other people. I was once pulled over on a date because my car had a hole in the exhaust pipe and I was ‘disturbing the peace’. I took the MENSA test in 2002 and was accepted in. I quit MENSA in 2003 because it costs $50/year.  I have two amazing kids, Kylie is 7 and Parker is 6. I have really big nostrils, big ankles, and a slight lisp. I saw Julianne Moore in NYC last year, and the first person I texted was Derek Webb because he is a fellow celebrity sighting geek. I occasionally like to namedrop. I live in Intercourse, PA – right in the middle of Amish country. I’ve had migraine headaches since I was in grade school, and have been told that peanuts and chocolate are the main triggers. I’ve been the president of my local church softball league for 3 years, but I think I’m stepping down this year. I’m a procrastinator. I love road trips. I hate black licorice. And I’m usually way too concerned about what other people think of me.

How about you? I would love to learn 1 or 2 random facts about some of you that I might not have known…