There’s an interesting article over at Christianity Today on Donald Miller. If you enjoy his writing, or are just curious to know a little bit more about what he’s up to, go check it out.
I thought it was cool that the article linked over to the Burnside Writer’s Collective, where I’ve had a few articles published, and over to as well, the fan site that I run for Don. Hopefully they’ll both get more visitors and then I’ll be able to retire early (or not).
In other news…
+ my softball takes the field after a 17-day layoff tomorrow night with a doubleheader.
+ here’s a fascinating article on the sub-culture of Dunkin Donuts in New England…having spent most of my life there (something i’ll only be able to say for another 10 years or so…yikes) the piece rings very true. and now that there’s 2 D-and-D’s on the way to work…well, let’s just say i’m staring a a cup of their coffee on my desk right now.
+ Kylie’s last day of Kindergarten is today…does that make her a first-grader? crazy. Hard to believe we’re only about 15 months from having both of our kids in school for 5 full days a week.