well, i’ve been off work all week. that is a long weekend. a 9-day weekend, to be exact. Erica and i had a great time in rehoboth beach. the place was empty, much different than the hustle and bustle you’ll find in the summer, and it was nice to walk around a bit and feel like you had the whole place to yourself. we’re definitely thinking of doing it again next president’s day week.
the sad news of the week was the unexpected passing of erica’s uncle ron. (i thought i posted about him before when we took him out for sushi, but i can’t seem to find it). Ron’s heart stopped beating on Tuesday morning, and while they were able to restart it eventually, there was no brain activity at all. I’m not quite sure how old Ron was, in his 50s i believe, but he was a really funny guy and brilliant too, from what i hear. Unfortunately i never got to see Ron at full capacity because he had Parkinson’s Disease and ever since i had the pleasure to meet him it had been getting worse and worse. He is survived by his loving wife Linda, who I know is really going to miss him, and his daughter Tamara, who is in college right now studying to be something great. The service is tomorrow night, and I’m proud to be able to serve as a pallbearer. If you have an extra prayer lying around, lift one up for Linda and the family as they try to pick the pieces of their life back up and somehow move on.