+ Today is my last day of work for a while as I am off next week. Pretty excited about that. Erica and I will be chilling in Rehoboth Beach, DE for a couple nights of relaxation and childless mornings. I’m looking forward to doing some writing, reading, eating, and sleeping.
+For the second night in a row, local TV stations have ticked me off with their cancellation anouncements. I understand that these are necessary, although I much prefer to get mine online where i don’t have to wait for them to get all the way through the alphabet, but have these people ever heard of efficient spacing. ABC27 on wednesday night and NBC8 last night were both guilty of the same thing. Take a page out of ESPN2’s book and use a slim ticker at the bottom of the screen, folks. Instead, i had to deal with this while i was trying to watch The Office last night:
Are you kidding me? Look at that! By my rough estimate using photoshop, that cancellation bar is taking up 28% of the screen. ridiculous. They are essentially using 4 lines of space to display 2 lines of text. There’s no need for the huge channel 8 logo on the right over there either. In the grand scheme i know this is about as important as hangnails, but it really annoys me. Why wouldnt you want to make that info as small as possible? It’s beyond me.
+ I’m pretty excited for my guitar. I own two acoustic guitar, a Martin DM and a Martin D35. The latter i purchased off of Cliff Young of Caedmon’s Call about 3 years ago. I had always wanted a D35…i love the 3-piece back and the solid bass sounds that resonate because of it…so purchasing one from a member of my favorite band was quite a thrill. The guitar has served me well over the past few years, but i have always felt bad because i’m afraid that it is bored with me. When it belonged to Cliff, it got to see the country, playing 50-100 shows a year in front of lots of people. Now with me it spends most of it’s time in my basement where i play it a few times a week. So why am I excited? Well, my friend Jon (who plays in a band called The Mint) is borrowing it tonight to play a show with it. It’s an acoustic set they are doing to open for Lovedrug at The Chameleon is lancaster. Not a huge deal, but i’m happy that my guitar will get to be in the spotlight again. I’ll be there cheering it on. Then, it’s back to the basement.
+ softball season is starting to pick up. I’ll be returning to my post as President of the leaguefor the second year. We had our first meeting last week and i think we’re making some good changes. I want my regime to be one of progression and evolution, where we stay ahead of the curve and don’t die off like the other leagues around here. I think our team is changing our name from the Saints to the Astros, so i’m pretty excited about that too. New uniforms and everything. Maybe that will help us turn around that 5-13 record we finished with last year.
+ speaking of warm-weather sports, pitchers and catchers are reporting to spring training! We’re just 45 days away from the Red Sox opening up the season in Kansas City on April 2nd. yeehaw!