NFL06 Divisional Picks

My Postseason prediction of a Saints-Ravens Super Bowl is still in tact. Of course, neither team played last week, so there was never a chance of it getting derailed.

Lots of great games this weekend. If only it was the Cowboys in Chicago instead of the Seahwaks…arrggg…i’m still not ready to talk about that.

Let’s take the games in chronological order:

Indy at Baltimore, 4pm Saturday – forecast is calling for warm weather but a good chance of rain throughout the weekend. Probably won’t play much of a factor, though. Indy’s defense probably faced it’s toughest test last week in Larry Johnson, but they’re facing a much more resilient QB this week in Steve McNair. This guy knows how to win, and the Ravens defense almost always has him in a position where he can do so. Since I’m picking the Ravens to go to the Bowl, it’s obvious that i think they’ll win this game. I can see Peyton throwing 2 touchdowns and 2 picks, but i don’t know if it will be enough. Of all the NFL QB’s, i think Manning spends the least time on his butt, so it will be interesting to see what kind of pressure Ray Lewis and Co. can put on him. I think they get to him early and often, and the Ravens win a close one with defense and special teams. Ravens 27, Colts 20.

Philly at New Orleans, 8pm Saturday – I think the Saints will March all the way to Super Bowl XLI, so the question is: How are they going to stop Brian Westbrook? Honestly i have no idea. Not even sure if they can. I do, however, think that with 2 weeks to gameplan Sean Payton is going to have an awful lot of chincanery coming for the Eagles Defense. I bet you’ll see Reggie Bush line up in 6 different spots throughout the game. I think you’ll see alot of Deuce McCallister running right into (and through) the Eagles front 4. I think you’ll see Brees take some big shots down the field at opportune times. The Eagles will score, but the Saints will score more. Saints 37, Eagles 24.

Seattle at Chicago, 1pm Sunday – Forecast is calling for a wintry mix and that might be a good thing for the Bears if it means that Grossman only throws 15 times. Then again, Shaun Alexander had a monster game against the Packers in the snow on a Monday Night a few weeks ago, so he could slash the Bears Defense for some big runs. The Seahwaks don’t belong here, they should be sitting on thier lazyboys sipping Starbucks. But thanks to that shiny, wax-coated football that slipped out of Tony Romo’s hands, the Seahwaks will be freezing thier hineys off in Chicago and it could be a long day. Look for Chicago’s defense to score twice and knock Hasselback out of the game early. Bears 24, Seahawks 10.

New England at San Diego, 4pm Sunday – Two powerhouse teams locking horns. The newbie QB versus the playoff stud QB. The coach looking for redemption versus the coach looking to add a 4th Super Bowl ring. The best offensive player in the game versus an offense with little star power outside of their quarterback. The game has all the makings of a classic, and i don’t know which way to go. I mean, honestly, if my life was on the line, i don’t know who i’d take. I think the Chargers have too much firepower on offense to ever be out of this game. On the other side, if San Diego comes out scorching and goes up 14-0 in the first quarter, i don’t know if the Pats can catch up. I’ll be rooting hard for the boys from New England, but i can see them having a tough day against a team that can hurt you on both sides of the ball. Hoping that I’m wrong, I’m predicting Chargers 34, Patriots 17.