first off, if you dont subscribe to pastor sam’s xanga, check out his entry from yesterday. especially in catalyst as it was for you.
now, 10 things worth noting
1. softball should be the most fun ever this year. i hope we can win more than we lose. being the president of the league and putting the schedule together has been a nightmare, but its almost done.
2. i have known about Buddy and Chelle’s moving on for quite some time now. It sucked to think about it at first, but eventually you realize that it will probably be best for everyone, especially since they feel like God is moving them on. So i was able to deal with it, process it, and prepare for whatever’s next. I’m pretty excited to see where God puts them, and i cant wait to hear stories from them as they change another group of young people from crappy to great. yeah that’s right, you all were crappy before Buddy and Chelle got here. just kidding.
3. As for the transition, like Sam said on his xanga, i’ll play a part. as will alot of people. we hope to keep most of the same things going. you will miss Buddy’s preaching when i am speaking, because i cant preach like he can, but Sam will be speaking too, and he can hold his own. so hopefully that will be pretty seamless. If anyone is really whigged out about this whole thing, or wants to talk about stuff, or needs something at 11pm that you’d usually bother Buddy and Chelle for, you can come to erica and i once Buddy and Chelle have moved on to their new gig. But if it’s 11:30pm or later, please still go to buddy.
4. i planted grass yesterday. i will plant more tomorrow. dont step on my new grass at my house or i will send rabid wolves to eat your flesh.
5. on wednesday night i went up to Messiah College to hear Don Miller speak with my buddy Than. (short for Nathanael). It was free, but you needed tix, and i didnt have one. So i talked to Jordan Green, Don’s road manager, and he said he’d make sure we got in. Jordan was really cool, i really enjoyed talking to him before and after the gig. Don read an article he wrote, answered a few questions, then read the first chapter of To Own a Dragon. It was a really fun night, he didnt think the audience was that great, but i thought they loved him. After he spoke, he signed people’s books. Than and I waited until the line dissipated and then went over to meet Don. It was cool to finally meet him after a few months of emails and stuff. He is a very underwhelming presence, and i mean that in the best way possible. no rock star vibe at all. He asked us if we were hungry, which we were, and we headed out to Cracker Barrel with him and Jordan. It was good food and better convo. We talked about different creation theories, homosexuality and the church, the differences between Portland and Pennsylvania, and such. Don was nice enough to pick up the check too, which was cool. They dropped us off back at our car and Than and i headed home in time to catch the radio broadcast of the Red Sox winning a 2-1 game. perfect end to a cool night.
6. i purchased hillsong united’s new disc yesterday. $19.99 on Itunes for 17 tracks. but my gosh it’s worth it. Noone is doing better worship songs that sound like other stuff I’m listening to than these guys. bravo, united, bravo.
7. on thursday morning pastor Buddy and i headed up to Messiah. We enjoyed some good convo on the way there and back. Don gave a 25-minute devo at their morning chapel, which was good, but not as good as the night before. note to Messiah college: your chapel music is horrible. HORRIBLE. time to break out of 1986. i mean 1906. get in this century please. for a “progressive campus” the music was not good. the opposite of the CFNI chapel i was at years ago. After the chapel Buddy got to meet Don and then we said goodbye. Don seems serious about flying me out to Portland in September to hang out for a few days, so that should be fun. He’s a gifted writer, a good speaker, and a really nice guy. I’m so privileged to be able to work with him on his fan site and happy to call him a friend.
8. still havent watched LOST yet. i will tonight or tomorrow morning. cant wait.
9. when you come to our house next time, make sure you compliment erica on her new kitchen table. it is coming today. unless you hate it, in which case you can comment on the weather or something.
10. oh one last thing. Don’s a part of the Burnside Writer’s Collective, whose monthly online magazine is a good read. They are going to be starting a sports section, and i am going to try and submit some pieces. Being a writer has been a recent dream of mine, so it seems like a cool start. But like i told Jordan G, if my stuff sucks, please tell me. We’ll see…
have a great weekend my peeps…bry