pics from cali

Pics from Cali

here’s some quick visuals from our trip. captions under each photo:

Erica and I at Neptune’s Net. It’s a seafood diner right on the Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu across the street from the Pacific Ocean. Very cool place.

Josh and I outside of Neptune’s Net. This was taken right after i kicked the crap out of some bikers just because i felt like it.

Erica, Josh, and I had some coffee in Santa Monica at this place. Mmmmm…coffee….

We took this road to get from Santa Monica back to Josh’s place in Newbury Park. We drove on several roads like this that wind their way through canyons…some without guard rails. It’s really beautiful scenery, but you get car sick pretty fast enjoying it.

Here’s downtown Ojai at about 5:56pm. Almost every night when the sun gets low enough, this view of the Topa Topa Mountains is known as the “Pink Moment”. As you can see, it’s not that pink. I guess our expectations were too high. In any event, it was a fun day and a beautiful, if not pink, moment.

Our last night in Cali we made sushi for dinner. Actually Erica and Christel made dinner. Josh and I just ate it. It was really good. Shortly after this photo was taken, Christel chopped off half of her left thumb with that huge knife. We taped it up with duct tape and gave her 4 advil. That night she had a dream that Benny Hinn was sucking his thumb in a large tub of soy sauce, only it turned into Christel’s thumb. In the morning her thumb was miraculously healed (and covered in off-white saliva).

The most beautiful thing that i saw in california all weekend? Erica, of course.

thanks Josh and Christel for hosting us. It was mucho funno.
