if you want to read an interesting blog, may i suggest Andy Osenga’s. he has been updating it frequently, with good rants on guitar gear, church hopping, and Oprah being full of crap.
my Jetta just got inspected, emissions and all, plus work to replace a bad cam position center, spark plugs, and spark plug wires. can you say $590 that i didnt want to spend on my car?
oh, and my Odyssey just got body work done from the 3 times i have backed up into something and the two times we have driven into the garage door trim while pulling in. can you say $1163? thankfully we had saved for that.
in a related story, my savings account now has -$61 in it.
so my sis is getting married on memorial day, and we put together a honey-do list for me of things to take care of while we were on vacation. She’s getting married at the park near my house, by the way, right in the middle of Intercourse. It was my idea, kind of. I think its brilliant. The punch lines are endless. Anywho, here’s the status of the honey-do list at this point.
tonight, i help erica prepare for saturday’s yard sale.
friday night, doubleheader in softball (and i kick my own butt for missing derek and sandra)
saturday night, first ever hosted poker tourney
time to go home…