How to Keep your Blog Fresh

I recently asked the members of the Killer Tribes Blogger Community how they keep their blogs fresh, and here’s what a few of them told me:

Dustin Stout:

I check Google+, Mashable, and Gizmodo for “What’s Hot”. There’s always something inspiring or interesting in there, even if it is that same animated GIF of Google+ punching Facebook in its FACE. I also like to visit my Top 12 Sites for Creative Inspiration.

Thea Nelson:

Any time anything unusual or noteworthy happens, I take a moment to send a note about it to my Evernote account. I may not have a blog idea right then, but when I have a moment later to go back and look through, it often sparks an idea. Some sort of idea capturing strategy is imperative because nearly every time I get a great idea and assume I’ll remember it, I am wrong! I also take photographs of interesting things I see and keep a file of those pictures handy on my computer to add to posts to make them more visually compelling.

Tor Constantino:

The challenge to keep things fresh often means overcoming creative blocks. Here’s 5 tips I use to overcome creative blocks in blogging.

Chad Jones:

I keep it fresh by pushing myself into uncomfortable spaces, like this post I recently wrote.

Laura Crosby:

My only advice is PAY ATTENTION. The focus of my blog is paying attention to the relationships, experiences, and practices God uses to form you into someone who’s more like Him (with a bit of humor and brutal authenticity). When I look back over my day and pay attention to the little things in my life (fears, sin, joys etc.), most likely they are things that others are going to resonate with too. The important thing is to not make it about “me”, but cross the bridge and make it about all of us.

Want to chime in on how you keep your blog fresh? Tell us in the comments.

Here’s more info on the Killer Tribes Blogger Community if you want to be a part.