1 part broth, 1 part noodles, and 5 parts other junk in my head.
Monday Soup
+ I’m posting this from my iPad 2. Not sure how I feel about it as a device to create things…we’ll see. My favorite things so far are the Kindle app, Twitter, and the DirecTv app. Seriously, that Directv app turns the iPad into the Best. Remote. Ever. I’ll probably try to make a video on it soon, so who knows how that will turnĀ out.
+ The BlogRocket launch last week was a success, a hearty thanks to you guys for checking out the site. If you haven’t joined the mailing list yet, go over to BlogRocket now and do so. I promise that every email I send out to BlogRocket peeps will be entertaining and full of goodness. And plus there’s the free eBook. And the $109 amazon gift card up for grabs. Definitely worth your 3 minutes.
+ Speaking of BlogRocket, I’ll be doing some interviews and guest posts in the next few weeks to promote it. I’ll give you the heads up when they go live. (And maybe you’re not a blogger but have a friend who is? Send them the link to check it out, there’s a lot of value in the eBook, so you’ll be one of their favorite friends and they’ll owe you one.) BlogRocket.com
+ Reading Gary Vee’s new book, The Thank You Economy. I’ll let you know what I thought after I’ve eaten it.
+ Anyone want in on some fantasy baseball? I’d like to start a Rotisserie League and/or a Head-to-Head league this year. They would be keeper leagues, maybe $10-$15 entry fee split by winner and runner up. If you’re interested, let me know in the comments and specify which type of league you’d prefer. The draft would be online next week, which gives you time to set your autopick list in case you can’t make it.