Here’s 7 of my favorite things right now.
After my turn, you’ll get a shot to share some of your favorites too…
My Fave Seven
1. My Favorite Television Show – 30 Rock – This show is on such a roll. I feel like I literally have to sharpen my game when it comes on to catch all of the jokes. Such amazing writing and hilarious characters. My favorite half hour of television right now and it’s not even close.
2. My Favorite iPhone App – World Series of Poker Hold ‘Em – and I’m not even that big of a poker guy. The graphics and gameplay are really slick, and playing a “Turbo Sit and Go” I can knock out a game in about 12 minutes.
3. My Favorite Podcast – Sklarboro Country – I’ve always been a huge fan of the Sklars. Goofy comedians that take things to the absurd extreme and then keep going. I’ve listened to every episode so far, good stuff. (honorable mention to The B.S. Report, which I love. Speaking of which…)
4. My Favorite Yet to be Launched Website – The Unnamed Bill Simmons/Chuck Klosterman Project – really looking forward to this.
5. My Favorite Book Coming Out this Spring Written By a Friend – “Quitter: Closing the Gap Between Your Day Job and Your Dream Job” by Jon Acuff. Can’t wait to read this one…hoping to get a pre-release. (hint hint, Jon)
6. My Favorite New Catchphrase – “Winning!” – Why? Because it’s Charlie Sheen’s catchphrase, as seen in this video and his first tweet ever (which happened last night).
7. My Favorite Food and Drink – Blackberry Mojito Green Tea from Teavana & Popcorn Indiana’s Buffalo Cheddar Popcorn – yum and yum.
So what About You?
Got a favorite or two you can share with the rest of us?
It can be anything…the floor is yours. Enlighten us.