The BlogRocket Relaunch is Weeks Away

We’re about 2-3 weeks away from the relaunch of BlogRocket, and I’ve been working my tail off to get things ready.

Almost everything will change. From the idea model to the price point to the feel of the site to the way the content is rolled out.

One thing that won’t change though, is what I believe it will do for your blog and for your confidence as a blogger.

I asked some of my current Rocketeers for feedback on BlogRocket and here’s what one of them, Annie Schrader, had to say:

“The BlogRocket program not only gave me more confidence in my writing, but also pushed me to be consistent with who I am as a writer. I found myself being less concerned with the number of people I was reaching and more focused on effectively writing for those interested in what my blog was about. I would highly recommend this program to anyone wanting to be more intentional with their blog. I have no regrets and would absolutely do it all over again!” – Annie Schrader, Sweet Annie’s Kitchen Blog

Thanks, Annie!

If BlogRocket was on your radar before but the timing or the price just wasn’t right for you, you’re going to want to pay close attention to what we’re going to unveil here in the next few weeks. (Make sure your name is added to the email list so you don’t miss what’s coming.)

And if this is your first time hearing about BlogRocket, make sure we have your email address. If we end up limiting the number of participants in the next term we’ll probably hit our max before registration closes.

If you sign up below to join the mailing list you won’t miss news of the launch and you’ll also get a free eBook, the promo version of “The 29 Biggest Frustrations Bloggers Face”.

okay, back to work…