Where Do You Serve?

Last week we had our monthly “F1rst Wednesday” Service at church. I was hanging around the back of the church as the service was getting underway and our youth pastor Jake asked me if I wanted to run the lyrics/backgrounds during the music. We were doing a baptism later in the evening and Jake needed to go get ready for it.

I was happy to do it. Before I joined the worship team 5 years ago I was on the sound team, so I thought it would be cool to do it again for old time’s sake. Plus I like the idea of filling in and serving in different areas of our church when I get the chance.

It got me wondering about y’all. Those of you who attend a church on a regular basis, is there an area (or areas) that you serve in? It would be cool to see if there was someone representing all the different areas of church ministry here.

And those of you who don’t go to church, are there organizations or causes that you serve with? Would love to hear about those…

I’ll go first. I serve on the worship team (playing my glorious Martin D-35), the Missions team, and the “occasionally give the offering intro” team. I’m also a deacon, which means I go to board meetings and get to help make decisions about the future of our church, which I love.

(for the record: snapping this pic with my iPhone did not cause me to miss a transition…though I did miss a few later when I was fooling around with some of the backgrounds)