Literally, the first 5 things at the top of my brain…
1. Did you see that the NCAA March Madness Championship game will move from CBS to TBS in 2016! Crazy, right? Starting next year the semi-final games will be be split between the two networks, and by 2016 the Championship game will go back and forth between them. (Full Story on Awful Announcing.)
2. If you’re looking for a worthy cause to back, please consider my friend Kirby’s organization Peace Gospel International. They are looking to partner with monthly donors right now. If you want more info about how they are fighting to turn around child sex trafficking, the orphan crisis, and child labor and slavery, click here. (also, Kirby is an Instagram star. Look at the photos!)
3. Are you going to be watching the Chick-Fil-A Leadercast on Friday? I’ve seen Tripp’s opening monologue script and it’s pretty great. I even suggested a joke or two that might make it in there…we’ll see.
(BTW, amazing things are coming down the pike…pipe?…pike?…for Tripp and Tyler. Five years from now you’ll remember me warning you about this.)
4. Yesterday I took an extra long lunch break to look at golf courses for an upcoming trip to Myrtle Beach. Don’t tell my boss.
5. Finally, happiest 39th birthday wishes to my pastor and good friend, Sam Masteller!