1 part broth, 1 part noodles, and 73 parts ocean water…it’s Monday Soup on a Tuesday!
+ Did you miss CATALYST 2012? Justin Wise is giving away a live blog eBook of the event that he curated himself. Is it fantastic? Yes. Is it free? Of course it is. Get it here: CATALYST 2012 eBook. (great seeing you there, Justin!)
+ More on Catalyst later this week, but we had a great time. Speakers were fantastic, Tripp & Tyler were amazing as the emcees, and it was great to see a bunch of old friends.
+ Will be announcing the release date for my new book – Actually, Clams Are Miserable – later this week!
+ Currently Reading: Start With Why by Simon Sinek. He was one of my favorite speakers at Catalyst and the book is fantastic. Highly recommended for anyone with a business or a brand.
+ Did you miss Tyler Tarver interviewing me on his podcast? It’s episode 4 of Talk Hugs feat. yours truly. It will be the most random/ridiculous thing you listen to all month.
+ You should start blogging this month. Seriously. Pick up my book for $3.99 and give it a shot!
+ It’s 64 degrees in our house right now. I haven’t turned on the heat yet, and I’d rather not have to do it this week. Used to cave in when the kids were younger for their sake, but now that they can layer up I might make the whole family suffer.
At what point do you turn on the heat in your house?
Let us know that and whatever else is new in your world in the comments.
Have a great week!