Monday Soup

1 part broth, 1 part noodles, and 6 parts brake fluid…it’s Monday Soup on a Tuesday!

+ Had a great trip to MA to visit family this past weekend. Highlights: Sunday lunch with a bunch of extended family, meeting my niece Avery for the first time, golfing with my dad/uncle/brother-in-law, seeing 5 Dunkin Donuts within 3 miles of each other on the same road (only in New England!), picking up bits and pieces of my New England accent again, and a safe and mostly traffic-free commute both ways.

+ Got interviewed about sports yesterday at my friend Austin Gilly’s site. We talk about mascots, rule changes, and what sport I would play if I could play any professionally. Check it out: Austin Gilly interviews Bryan Allain.

+ Looking for a cool academic year calendar? Check out the NeuYear calendar. One of the most functional calendars around and it looks amazing too. (and I know Jesse who runs the company…really good guy!)

+ Derek Webb’s new album, Ctrl, is available now at As usual, there’s nothing usual about this record when compared to Derek’s past stuff. Nylon string guitar, pads and drum loops, and shape-note singing (which I’m still not really sure what it is). Four different download packages starting at $9 at

+ 3-on-3 basketball as a 2016 Olympic Sport? I think I love it. Can’t decide if it would be amazing to watch or less exciting than 5-on-5. Would the pros play 3-on-3? Would it be a variation of 5-on-5 like how sprinters have individual races and relays? Very interesting…

+ My friend Kevin Haggerty just started up a graphic design business doing web design, logos, and a whole lot more. If you think you might be in the market for those types of services, check out KR Graphix. He’s good peoples.

+ I needed a MicroSD card for Kylie’s phone and found this 32 GB one on Amazon for $19! Crazy good deal. A similar one at Target was over $50. Thanks again, Amazon Prime! (affiliate link)

+ Erica and I our celebrating our 13th anniversary today! Each new year with her is better than the last, so excited for what the future holds for us! Happy Anniversary, babe!

what’s new in your world? let us know in the comments.

Have a great week!