My Guest Post at the Catalyst Blog

I wrote something for Catalyst yesterday on 3 things I learned from putting on the Killer Tribes Conference, you can read that here: What I Learned From Hosting Killer Tribes.

Speaking of Killer Tribes, the audio from the conference will be available in 3 weeks. Nine talks – over four and a half hours of audio – will be an immediate download for just $20. Can’t wait for you all to be inspired by what we heard 3 months ago in Nashville. To see which talks will be included, go here: Killer Tribes Conference Audio.

And speaking of Catalyst, best rates for the Catalyst Conference in Atlanta on October 3-5 end on Thursday. I’ll be there for the 4th year in a row, you should seriously consider coming out to experience it. (You can register here.) Love this video they put together for this year’s event.


MAKE from Catalyst on Vimeo.