1 part broth, 1 part noodles, and the nectar of killer tribes.
+ Killer Tribes: The Conference is finally upon us! It all goes down this weekend, and I couldn’t be more excited. You can expect my blog to go dark for a couple days before and after the weekend, and you can follow along from a distance on Twitter if you search for the hashtag #killertribes.
+ My friend Shawn Smucker is releasing a new eBook tomorrow: Building A Life Out of Words. (it may already be available). I started reading the pre-release I got a few weeks ago and could not put it down. Literally.
Shawn’s a fantastic writer who opens up his journal entries from the first year he tried to make a living as a full-time writer. The insight, wisdom, and honesty that he shares makes for a compelling read that is sure to affect the way you think about vocation, passion, and calling. Can’t recommend it enough.
+ The Real Leadership Lessons of Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson. It’s a long article, but a good one.
+ If you’re a blogger and a Steven Curtis Chapman fan, my friend Alyssa would love to get you a free copy of his upcoming #1’s album to review on your blog. Shoot her an email (akawata@emicmg.com) and she’ll hook you up.
+ Speaking of music, Amazon’s 100 MP3 Albums for $5 in March features some great ones this month. Just a few days left to pick up the new Snow Patrol (my current favorite listen), The Head and The Heart, The Decemberists, Fleet Foxes, M. Ward, and one of my favorite albums ever: The Weight is a Gift by Nada Surf. (affiliate links)
+ My friends Jason Boyett, Matthew Paul Turner, and Rob StennettĀ have a new podcast out called 9Thumbs. They share things they like, talk writing, and do things like poke fun at MPT’s branded Instagram stream. Good guys, good idea, and a good listen.
+ One more note for people attending Killer Tribes. If you’re susceptible to allergies you may want to read Sharideth Smith’s warning on the Killer Tribes Facebook Page.
+ Oh and guess who is in 1st place out of 50 people in the Burnside Writers’ NCAA Bracket Pool? Me? Nope. I’m in 35th. How about my 9-year old, Parker, who filled out brackets this year for the first time ever.
I’ve tried to warn him that he might not do this well again for a long time (6 of 8 elite eight teams, 3 of 4 final four), but yeah, needless to say he’s a fan of the NCAA Tourney at this point. Been a fun thing for us to do together.
Hope your week is fantastic! See you on the flip side.