1 Part Broth, 1 Part Noodles, and whatever else is floating around in my head.
Monday Soup
+ Remember Make Your Goal May? Well, I not only made my goal of losing 8 pounds, but I ended up losing 11 pounds total! I did a little bit of running in May, but the trick was switching to a low-carb diet, eating salads for lunch, eating a high-protein breakfast every day, and having a very light snack (if any at all) after dinner. (Yes, I’ve been reading The 4-Hr Body by Tim Ferriss and I can’t recommend it enough). Can’t argue with the results, so I plan on keeping it going a lot longer.
+ Who else made their goal in May? Annie Schrader lost 8 pounds, Norm Tumlinson lost 10 pounds, Jon Giunta lost 5 pounds, Caleb Canal ran a marathon, Andi Cumbo exercised an hour a day, Rissa lost 7 pounds, and Mike Andrews drank less than 10 bottles of Diet Mt. Dew in May.
(A few people got really close, like Mike Rice who lost 13 of the 15 lbs he set for a goal.) If you want to figure out who DIDN’T make their goal, you can check the original list here or read their fantastic excuses/reasons in the comments here 🙂 – if they decide to share them.
+ My friend Jason Boyett has a new blog at BeliefNet called “Dadequate: Ordinary Adventures of a Write-Brained Dad”. I’m really excited about this blog because Jason’s a talented guy and his kids (girl finishing 5th grade, boy finishing 2nd grade) are almost identical to my kids age-wise (girl finishing 4th grade, boy finishing 2nd grade). Add it to your reader and maybe you’ll figure out why Jason appears to have a massive headache in that picture.
+ We got a new coffeemaker 2 weeks ago and so far we love it. It’s the Tassimo by Braun, a one-cup coffee maker that unlike the Keurig makes a handful of different beverages. So far, so great.
+ Why yes, I am totally stoked for the WWDC keynote at 1pm EST today. Tell me what’s new, Apple.
+ I’ve got 5 interviews lined up with great bloggers for the BlogRocket Community this month. I’ll share a few minutes of the interviews here on the blog, but if you want to hear all of them, you’ll have to be a member. Best part is, Community Members are helping me with the interviews by giving me question ideas. What are you waiting for, join us on the inside today!
What’s in your Monday Soup this morning?
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