Bryan Allain on the Catalyst Podcast

Pop quiz hotshot: What do I have in common with CNN’s Soledad O’Brien?

Answer: We both want to fight Anderson Cooper.

I would have also accepted: We were both guests on Episode 135 of the Catalsyt Podcast!

The uber-talented Ken Coleman took a few minutes last month to talk with me about BlogRocket, finding your voice, and why I look so amazing in my bio picture (hint: It’s the magic of Lil’ Geese Photography).

So thankful to my friends at Catalyst for the opportunity to speak some encouragement to bloggers out there and let them know about what I’m doing with BlogRocket.

Go check out the episode now (and if you’re only interested in my interview, skip to the 37:30 mark.)

PS…If you’re here from the Catalyst Podcast interview, make sure you check out the free eBook, community, and Booster Course at BlogRocket.