You Should Be a Quitter

Few projects have come across my plate that I’ve been as excited about as Jon Acuff’s new book, Quitter.


Five Reasons

1. The book is about closing the gap between your day job and your dream job. That’s exactly where I’m living right now. (and I know a lot of you are there too.)

2. I’ve read the first chapter and it was really good. I mean REALLY good.

3. Jon and I have spoken a couple times about all of this (long before I read the first chapter), so I know how important this topic is to him. It’s not just a random book idea he thought he could execute, it’s a message he believes in.

4. Jon is speaking from experience. I remember when he was working at AutoTrader and trying to do the Clark Kent / Superman thing. This is totally a “been there, done that” book, which makes it carry a lot more weight (imho).

5. Have I mentioned that the first chapter was really good? Seriously. When was the last time you read something that totally changed your mind? I went into that sample chapter feeling one way about my day job, and by the time I was done I had a completely different way of thinking. Can’t wait to read the rest of it.

Bonus: Jon is a friend and I like it when my friends create amazing things and experience success.

Oh, and this trailer for the book is pretty great too. (especially if you like subconscious mime play)

As of yesterday you can pre-order the book on Amazon. A lot of people did too, because it got up as high as #89 in Amazon’s overall rankings the other day. (As of right now it’s #92 on the Hot New Releases chart – not bad for something that doesn’t release for another 5 weeks.)

Here’s the (affiliate) link, go pre-order your copy today:

Quitter: Closing the gap between your day job and your dream job, by Jon Acuff

It’s hardcover and less than $10!