Prove Them Wrong

I wrote this yesterday for another project I’m working on. Thought it might be the encouragement that a couple of you needed to hear today? Or not. Either way, here it is.

Worried about failing? About rejection? About falling on your face?

Don’t bother (worrying, that is).

For everyone with high expectations on you, there’s someone who thinks you’re going to bomb.

Prove them wrong.

And if you don’t prove them wrong, then so what? So that last effort was a misfire? Hey, everybody misfires.

They’re thinking you’re gonna pack it up and go home now.

They think you’re done.

Prove them wrong.

Show them you have something to say, that you aren’t going anywhere, that you started this for a reason.

Show them you WILL put the time in.

Yes, Allen Iverson, we are talking about practice.

It doesn’t make perfect, but it makes better, so keep at it.

The expectations are low.

Or the expectations are unrealistic.

And the expectations will always take you down if you let them.

Screw the expectations.

Life’s too short to live scared, so go ahead.

Prove them wrong.