Any of you have any vacation horror stories you’d like to share?
Here’s the rules:
- Keep it brief.
- Keep it sorta light (please no stories about waking up next to a friend who died in his sleep).
- Keep it true.
Here’s two examples (sort of) from my life:
1. About 5 years ago my wife and I went to Cancun with our friends Matt and Kendra. I started to feel sick the day before, and had already been dealing with a sore back for the month prior to leaving. 3 days into the vacation I had full blown strep throat but didn’t know it yet, and the infection attacked my sore back to the point where i could barely move. That afternoon I laid down on the bed for a minute and my back seized up. I couldn’t move, and wasn’t found until 45 minutes later when Erica came looking for me. I had to pay $75 to see the Nurse at the resort, who shot muscle relaxants into my butt (ouch) and suggested I buy some amoxicillin at the gift shop. Thanks to Senorita Needle, I was able to enjoy the last few days of vacation.
2. Back when my wife Erica was in high school, her parents left her and her older brother Chad alone overnight for the first time. (I think they were skiing in New England scuba diving in North Carolina over a long weekend). Well, in the evening of the first night Erica was crossing a busy street with some friends and her ankle got clipped by a car. She took a nasty spill and suffered a concussion (she doesn’t remember any of it, but the doctor told her later she had asphalt in her teeth). Needless to say, my in-law’s vacation was a bit ruined when they got the news that their daughter was in the hospital…though thankfully she was okay. Rumor has it that Chad still had a party at the house that night, even though his sister was laid out at Lancaster General Brandywine Hospital…though I could not confirm that report at the time of this printing.
What about you? Any quick vacation horror stories you can share with us?