As most of you know, I live in Intercourse, PA. (insert witty joke here)
One of the most exciting weekends of the year is about to be upon us. It’s the annual Intercourse Heritage Days Festival!
Heritage Days is 3 days of really great food, watching the Amish crush people in volleyball tournaments, and more really great food. There’s tractor pull races for kids, shoofly pie contests, fireworks, a skydiver who lands in the park, a petting zoo, and have I mentioned the food yet? The best part is, it all happens at Intercourse Park, which is a 5-minute walk from our house.
Last year I wrote up a photo journals of the two day event, and people seemed to enjoy them. (you can read them here: Day 1 and Day 2). This year, because I’ll be speaking out of town on Saturday night, I won’t be around for the entire festival. But that won’t stop me from taking photos and journaling about the event next week. This is a can’t miss blogging experience and I don’t want to let you all down.
So be on the lookout for the Heritage Days post next week, and if you ever want to come visit us in Intercourse, your best bet is to come during Heritage Days. Where else are you going to see scenes like this one from last year (for the full story, go read the journal entry):
Intercourse Heritage Days 2008 – Day 1
Intercourse Heritage Days 2008 – Day 2
PS…Check out that sidebar headline in the Penny Saver, “Leola Church to offer Strawberries and Music”. I’ll just go ahead and say it: Worst. Outreach. Ever.