Is “caption” a verb? Even if it’s not, we’re going to use it like it is.
You guys did a great job captioning that last Amish photo last week. I think I laughed at almost every one. Unfortunately there can only be one winner, and that winner was Matt Haeck:
“Trying to figure out why the non-Amish boys call it ‘Getting to third base’.” – Matt Haeck
Brilliant job, Matt. What can I say, I’m a sucker for a teenage reference to heavy petting. Honorable mentions also go out to jordan, Tyler, and Isaac. All of you win nothing. Congrats.
The true story behind this picture is that my team had a game on an adjacent diamond and I was responsible for putting all the bases away that night. These amish kids didn’t have a key to the shed, so I made them play without bases because I had to go, but they couldn’t get 3rd base out of the ground. It took them literally 10 minutes to get it out, which allowed me the opportunity to make the “How many amish kids does it take to remove a base?” joke 6 different times. Good thing none of them noticed when I pulled out my phone to capture a piece of their soul.
Since you guys did such a great job with the last caption contest, let’s see what you can do with this pic my mom took of me coaching Parker at his last baseball game 2 weeks ago. Winner gets his/her name in lights. And by lights, I mean “bold font”. Alright, make me laugh…