9 years ago to the day my wife Erica and I were married at a small church in Neffsville, PA. She looked amazing. I looked…younger. I was so sure I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her on that day, and over 3200 days later, I’m twice as sure as I was then. Of all the things that God has blessed me with here on this earth, she is far and away THE best thing. And if you know me, you know that to be true.
As a celebration of our ninth anniversary today, here’s 9 things I love about her in random order…
1. She treats me like I’m someone special, 2. She does all of our laundry, which is so nice of her, and she NEVER complains about having to do it, 3. She ran a marathon last year. A marathon! How amazing is that! 4. She is extremely forgiving, 5. She loves to sing and has a great voice, 6. She cooks fantastic meals, 7. She is raising two amazing kids very well, 8. She takes care of me when I get a killer migraine, 9. She has great taste in music, 10. She keeps our house way cleaner than it needs to be, 11. She enjoys going to my softball games, 12. She is always the cutest girl in the room, 13. She has a huge heart for helping others, 14. She cuts the grass when I don’t have time to, 15. She is hilarious, 16. She is a great conversationalist, 17. She can walk on her hands, 18. She’s always willing to say “I’m Sorry” or “Thanks for doing that”, 19. She doesn’t mind making long treks to concerts with me, 20. She doesn’t like fighting, 21. She likes the Red Sox, 22. She’s puts up with my little games, like when she turns her back and i hide things in her bowl of cereal, 23. She a hottie, but she doesn’t act like it, 24. She has been known to give out a high-five for a spectacular belch, 25. She loves serving God and serving others, 26. She’s the most ethical person I know, 27. She picked the most random way to meet me ever, I mean, who else almost runs over their future spouse? 28. She…Oh wait, was I supposed to stop at nine? Oops…
Happy Anniversary Erica!