today’s the last day of May, and I’m pretty excited to welcome in June and July. Here’s the stuff we’ve got on tap (Lord willing) in no particular order:
1. Hot days at the swimming pool at Nana’s.
2. Erica and I will spend 4 days in Florida not being parents…can’t wait.
3. Heritage Days in Intercourse, PA right down the street…3 days of great food, fireworks, and watching amish kids play volleyball.
4. 12 softball games to be played.
5. my bro Jordan will be here for a week for a friend’s wedding.
6. my sisters and mom will be here for a few days of hanging out.
7. might be going to a cool concert that i’ll tell you about later
8. i’ll be spending consecutive weekends in Massachusetts with the kids. The first of which Erica will be in PA hanging with some girlfriends, the second of which Erica will be in MA with us.
9. That week in between my MA weekends, Erica and I will be home for a few days without the kids. Looking forward to some quiet nights, some golf, and such.
10. I’ll be taking Parker to his first Red Sox game at Fenway with Uncle Josh, Uncle Jordan, and Aunt Karyn.
11. 3 golf outings on the calendar now, and hopefully a few more rounds to come.
12. Looking forward to finishing the 2 books I’m reading now and reading another couple more in the queue.
13. Looking forward to collaborating with the new writers on my sports/faith blog, Prayers For Blowouts. (Jason Boyett, Jesse Carey, Chad Gibbs, Jordan Green, Jim Palmer, and Larry Shallenberger.)
14. a new season of Big Brother this season? Yeah, we’ll be watching.
15. and yeah, getting a lit bit of a tan would be nice too.