i got tagged in a blog meme, so what the hey…
1) What was I doing 10 yrs ago?
Ten years ago was April 1998. It was my senior year at WPI and I was frantically looking for a job, either in MA or PA. Erica and I knew we were going to be together at that point, but didn’t know where. I applied for jobs in both states, and as it turned out, the only company that wanted to hire me had offices in both states. So i took the offer in Pennsylvania and the rest is history…
2) What are 5 things on my to-do list for today (not in any particular order):
- Update the Softball scores and schedule – check
- Work out – check
- send this report I’ve been working on out for approval – not yet
- pick out some books i don’t want anymore for our yard sale – tonight
- enjoy my family – later
3) Snacks I enjoy:
a bowl of cereal always hits the spot…so do crackers and cheese…and a cup of herbal or green tee to top it off.
4) Things I would do if I were a billionaire:
- Pray like crazy…That’s a lot of responsibility
- Pay off my house.
- Find a few causes i really believed in.
- Quit my job and start a career doing freelance writing, book writing, and artist fan community development.
- Hire a personal trainer to keep me from getting fat.
- Golf more
- Build a softball field complex that had replicas of Fenway Park, Wrigley Field, and Pac Bell Park (with a lake behind left field).
- Help Dean Kaman get his slingshot into the whole world so we could eliminate the tragedies that lack of water cause.
5) Three of my bad habits:
- not washing my car…ever
- eating snacks after 10pm
- thinking too much about the future
6) 5 places I have lived:
- New Bedford, MA
- Swansea, MA
- Worcester, MA
- New Holland, PA
- Gordonville, PA
7) 5 jobs I have had: (there is a related meme in the on-deck circle)
- Bun Toaster at McDonald’s
- Busboy at a Chinese Restaurant
- Paperboy
- dishwasher at local diner
- engineer